Web Tribes #2, the third type…

ID-100182079Previously I wrote about 2x web tribes, the ‘Appies and the Techies.  Hanging my explorer’s pith helmet on the hook I would like to report on the Speccie Tribe.

The Speccie tribe likes to specify things, and is more involved on precisely what they want than the ‘Appie who will make do with what they can find and is not prepared to do the customisation themselves like theTechnie.

so to recap the web tribes:

WebTribe #1 the ‘Appies (thinks This happy breed of men, this little world… ) These are the people who use technology, and find the technicalities of what happens “under the bonnet” an irritating distraction.  They can be quite advanced, and in some ways more sophisticated in their use that quite clever people of …

WebTribe #2 the Technies.  These are the people who enjoy technology and creating things.  Lots of them are buying the Raspberry Pi , and we will see in the next couple of months how successful they are with their aspirations of home automation and programming.

WebTribe #3 the Speccies. They want things their way, but do not do the customisation themselves.  They want to write a spec for their requirements, and then want someone else to make it



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